Case Reports
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A novel approach for repair of right sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia and hepatopulmonary fusion.

Right sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) associated with hepatopulmonary fusion (HPF) is a rare congenital anomaly in which the herniated liver is fused with lung parenchyma. We discuss the case of an infant with right-sided CDH and HPF found on index operation for repair of right-sided CDH. Due to the high incidence of vascular anomalies associated with HPF the decision was made to close the patient and get further imaging to characterize the HPF before returning to the operating room for definitive repair. We describe a novel and successful operative approach where the liver was left entirely fused to the lung and the liver was partially brought down from the chest and was plicated to the diaphragm form a seal between the parietal and pleural cavities to repair the CDH.

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