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Central neurological manifestations in a sample of Syrian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: cross-sectional study.
Annals of Medicine and Surgery 2024 September
INTRODUCTION: The authors aimed to study systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) central neurological patterns and their correlations with the disease activity.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: The authors' retrospective observational study was carried out on admitted SLE patients. The patients' demographic data, clinical examinations, laboratory tests, imaging studies, and systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index (SLEDAI) were recorded.
RESULTS: Thirty-six SLE patients had neurological manifestations from 203 patients, but 8 patients were excluded. 90.2% were females. The age of neuro-lupus manifestation was 24.1+2.9 years. Neurological manifestations were the initial presentation in 25% of patients. General seizures were the frequent manifestation. SLEDAI was 29.51±18.43, while it was 18.3±9.2 among patients without neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE). Twenty-five percent of patients had pleocytosis on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis. Small lesions were seen in 57.1% of patients on brain MRIs, and large lesions were observed in 10.6%. These findings were compatible with the disease activity.
DISCUSSION: Central nervous system involvement ranged between 10 and 80%, and much more with active disease. The frequent finding was general seizures. Psychosis and cognitive impairment were relatively frequent. Adult NPSLE manifestations had developed before or around the time of SLE diagnosis and within the first year after diagnosis. These manifestations were directly correlated to the disease activity. Abnormality in CSF is characterized by slight pleocytosis, and elevation of protein with normal fructose. MRI is the neuroimaging test of choice for NPSLE in clinical practice.
CONCLUSION: Central neurological involvement in SLE was seen early in the course of the disease, and correlating to the disease activity.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: The authors' retrospective observational study was carried out on admitted SLE patients. The patients' demographic data, clinical examinations, laboratory tests, imaging studies, and systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index (SLEDAI) were recorded.
RESULTS: Thirty-six SLE patients had neurological manifestations from 203 patients, but 8 patients were excluded. 90.2% were females. The age of neuro-lupus manifestation was 24.1+2.9 years. Neurological manifestations were the initial presentation in 25% of patients. General seizures were the frequent manifestation. SLEDAI was 29.51±18.43, while it was 18.3±9.2 among patients without neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE). Twenty-five percent of patients had pleocytosis on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis. Small lesions were seen in 57.1% of patients on brain MRIs, and large lesions were observed in 10.6%. These findings were compatible with the disease activity.
DISCUSSION: Central nervous system involvement ranged between 10 and 80%, and much more with active disease. The frequent finding was general seizures. Psychosis and cognitive impairment were relatively frequent. Adult NPSLE manifestations had developed before or around the time of SLE diagnosis and within the first year after diagnosis. These manifestations were directly correlated to the disease activity. Abnormality in CSF is characterized by slight pleocytosis, and elevation of protein with normal fructose. MRI is the neuroimaging test of choice for NPSLE in clinical practice.
CONCLUSION: Central neurological involvement in SLE was seen early in the course of the disease, and correlating to the disease activity.
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