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Liver Transplantation for Budd-Chiari Syndrome From Myeloproliferative Neoplasms - Management and Long-Term Results.

Myeloproliferative neoplasms can cause primary Budd-Chiari-Syndrome with acute or chronic liver failure necessitating liver transplantation. However, preventing the recurrence remains challenging and the need for post-transplant anticoagulant and cytoreductive treatment is not sufficiently clear. We analyzed the treatment regimens for all patients who presented to our department with PBCS from MPN between 2004 and 2021. Eight patients underwent liver transplantation - 6 of them due to an acute liver failure. Post-transplant, all patients received anticoagulant and 7 patients cytoreductive medication. The mean survival after transplantation was 13.25 years. Liver transplantation shows favorable long-term outcome when combined with post-transplant anticoagulant and cytoreductive treatment.

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