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The optimal management of blunt aortic injury in the young.

BACKGROUND: Blunt aortic injury (BAI) is relatively uncommon in the pediatric population. The goal of this study was to examine the management of BAI in both children and adolescents, using a large national dataset.

METHODS: Patients (1-19 years of age) with BAI were identified from the Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) database over 14-years. Patients were stratified by age group (children [ages 1-9] and adolescents [ages 10-19]) and compared. Multivariable logistic regression (MLR) analysis was performed to determine independent predictors of mortality in adolescents with BAI.

RESULTS: Adolescents undergoing TEVAR had similar morbidity (16.8 vs 12.6 ​%, p ​= ​0.057) and significantly reduced mortality (2.1 vs 14.4 ​%, p ​< ​0.0001) compared to those adolescents managed non-operatively. MLR identified use of TEVAR as the only modifiable risk factor significantly associated with reduced mortality (OR 0.138; 95%CI 0.059-0.324, p ​< ​0.0001).

CONCLUSIONS: BAI leads to significant morbidity and mortality for both children and adolescents. For pediatric patients with BAI, children may be safely managed non-operatively, while an endovascular repair may improve outcomes for adolescents.

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