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Modelling neurocardiac physiology and diseases using human pluripotent stem cells: current progress and future prospects.

Journal of Physiology 2024 September 5
Throughout our lifetime the heart executes cycles of contraction and relaxation to meet the body's ever-changing metabolic needs. This vital function is continuously regulated by the autonomic nervous system. Cardiovascular dysfunction and autonomic dysregulation are also closely associated; however, the degrees of cause and effect are not always readily discernible. Thus, to better understand cardiovascular disorders, it is crucial to develop model systems that can be used to study the neurocardiac interaction in healthy and diseased states. Human pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) technology offers a unique human-based modelling system that allows for studies of disease effects on the cells of the heart and autonomic neurons as well as of their interaction. In this review, we summarize current understanding of the embryonic development of the autonomic, cardiac and neurocardiac systems, their regulation, as well as recent progress of in vitro modelling systems based on hiPSCs. We further discuss the advantages and limitations of hiPSC-based models in neurocardiac research.

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