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Quantifying exercise intensity with fractal correlation properties of heart rate variability: a study on incremental and constant-speed running.

The short-term scaling exponent of detrended fluctuation analysis (DFAα1) applied to interbeat intervals may provide a method to identify ventilatory thresholds and indicate systemic perturbation during prolonged exercise. The purposes of this study were to (i) identify the gas exchange threshold (GET) and respiratory compensation point (RCP) using DFAα1 values of 0.75 and 0.5 from incremental exercise, (ii) compare DFAα1 thresholds with DFAα1 measures during constant-speed running near the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS), and (iii) assess the repeatability of DFAα1 between MLSS trials. Twelve runners performed an incremental running test and constant-speed running 5% below, at, and 5% above the MLSS, plus a repeat trial at MLSS. During 30-min running trials near MLSS, DFAα1 responses were variable (i.e., 0.27-1.24) and affected by intensity (p = 0.031) and duration (p = 0.003). No difference in DFAα1 was detected between MLSS trials (p = 0.597). In the early phase (~ 8 min), DFAα1 measures at MLSS (0.71 [0.13]) remained higher than the DFAα1 identified at RCP from the incremental test (0.57 [0.13]; p = 0.024). In addition, following ~ 18 min of constant speed running at MLSS, DFAα1 measures (0.64 [0.14]) remained higher than 0.5 (p = 0.011)-the value thought to demarcate the boundaries between heavy and severe exercise intensities. Accordingly, using fixed DFAα1 values associated with the RCP from incremental exercise to guide constant-speed exercise training may produce a greater than expected exercise intensity, however; the dependency of DFAα1 on intensity and duration suggest its potential utility to quantify systemic perturbations imposed by continuous exercise.

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