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Solitary Cutaneous Mastocytoma in an Adult Diagnosed on Cytology: A Rare Case Report.

Diagnostic Cytopathology 2024 September 5
Mastocytosis is characterized by the proliferation of neoplastic mast cells in various organs, which can have either cutaneous or systemic presentation. Solitary cutaneous mastocytomas are most commonly seen in the pediatric age group but rarely present in adults. Histopathology of cutaneous mastocytoma is well described in the literature but only a few studies are available describing the cytomorphological features. We present a case of a 19-year-old female who presented with a 6-month history of a right supraclavicular single, 0.5 × 0.5 cm, well-defined, reddish-brown round nodule. The fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) smears were highly cellular showing monomorphic cells, predominantly dispersed singly and occasionally in small clusters. The cells were round to oval, with moderate cytoplasm containing coarse metachromatic granules. Toluidine blue stain and CD117 immunocytochemical stain confirmed the presence of mast cell granules. Based on the cytomorphology, staining, clinical history, and examination, a diagnosis of solitary cutaneous mastocytoma was rendered. FNAC plays a pivotal role in diagnosing mast cell tumors and even obviates the need for tissue biopsy in selected cases.

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