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Field and Laboratory Evidence That Chlorpyrifos Exposure Reduced the Population Density of a Freshwater Snail by Increasing Juvenile Mortality.

Pesticides have been frequently detected in global freshwater ecosystems, but attempts to document changes in population dynamics of organisms upon exposure to pesticides, establish a causal relationship between exposure and population effects, and identify the key toxic events within individuals under natural field conditions remain rare. Here, we used a field survey, a reciprocal cross-transplant experiment, and a laboratory toxicity experiment to build a compelling case that exposure to the insecticide chlorpyrifos was responsible for differences in snail ( Bellamya aeruginosa ) densities in eastern (ELL) and western basins of Liangzi Lake in China. Our field survey and reciprocal cross-transplant experiment revealed significant differences in snail densities, juvenile percentage, survival, and relative telomere length (RTL) in the two basins. The insecticide chlorpyrifos detected in snail tissues was negatively correlated with snail densities, the percentage of juvenile snails, and RTL and had an extremely high risk quotient in ELL. In the laboratory experiment, tissue concentrations of chlorpyrifos detected in ELL were associated with reduced RTL and increased juvenile mortality in B. aeruginosa . These results support the hypothesis that chlorpyrifos exposure in ELL reduced the density of snails by reducing juvenile survival and, consequently, recruitment to the adult population.

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