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Intrinsic ADRB2 inhibition improves CAR-T cell therapy efficacy against prostate cancer.

Molecular Therapy 2024 September 2
Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy has shown limited success in patients with solid tumors. Recent in vitro and in vivo data have shown that adrenoceptor beta-2 (ADRB2) is a novel checkpoint receptor that inhibits T cell-mediated anti-tumor responses. To inhibit ADRB2-mediated inhibitory signaling, we downregulated ADRB2 in CAR-T (shβ2 -CAR-T) cells via RNA interference, assessed different parameters, and compared them with conventional second-generation CAR-T cells. ADRB2 knockdown CAR-T cells exhibited enhanced cytotoxicity against prostate cancer cell lines in vitro, by increasing CD69, CD107a, GzmB, IFN-γ, T-bet, and GLUT-1. Additionally, ADRB2 deficiency led to improved proliferation, increased CD8/CD4 T cell ratio, and decreased apoptosis in CAR-T cells. shβ2 -CAR-T cells expressed more Bcl-2 and led to the generation of more significant proportions of T central memory cells. Finally, the ZAP-70/NF-κB signaling axis was shown to be responsible for the improved functions of novel CAR-T cells. In tumor-bearing mice, shβ2 -CAR-T cells performed better than conventional CAR-T cells in eradicating prostate tumors. The study provides the basis for future clinical and translational CAR-T cell research to focus on adrenergic stress-mediated challenges in the tumor microenvironment of stressed tumors.

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