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Letter to the Editor: Increasing incidence of Parkinson's disease in patients with epilepsy: A Nationwide Cohort Study.

We have read with a great deal of interest the article by Hwang et al. (1) and appreciate the authors'' commendable efforts. The article was intelligently written and provides a significant insight into the study carried out by the authors. We greatly acknowledge the brief concepts the authors have shared regarding Parkinson's disease and epilepsy, which are without doubt an asset to the field of neurology. The study has laid a good foundation for future related studies. The article mentions epilepsy as an uncommon comorbidity of Parkinson's disease and the transition of a non-epilepsy brain to an epilepsy brain. It is also mentioned that PD is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, and the incidence of the two diseases. However, as we assess the article in depth, we have found some shortcomings that would have enhanced the sense and purpose of the study.

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