Case Reports
Journal Article
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Thermal imaging for monitoring the treatment of hemangioma in pediatric patient: case report.

Pediatric hemangiomas are benign vascular malformations or angiodysplasias characterized by the proliferation of endothelial cells in blood vessels. Their incidence is 4%-10% in children under 1 year of age, and they most frequently occur on the head and neck [1, 2]. In addition to causing facial deformities, facial hemangiomas can lead to both functional and aesthetic issues, often resulting in significant complications. These complications negatively impact the quality of life for patients and can also affect the psychological well-being and self-esteem of their families [3]. With the expected global smartphone penetration reaching 70% [4], this case report explores the use of smartphones integrated with thermographic cameras to monitor the involution of hemangiomas during sclerosing treatment. This approach represents a promising advancement in managing and assessing hemangioma treatment through accessible, real-time monitoring technology.

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