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The effect of near-infrared Photobiomodulation therapy on the ion content of 50B11 sensory neurons measured through XRF analysis.

Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) is a form of treatment commonly used for routine clinical applications, such as wound healing of the skin and reduction of inflammation. Additionally, PBMT has been explored for its potential in pain relief. In this work, we investigated the effect of PBMT on ion content within the 50B11 sensory neurons cell line in vitro using X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) and atomic force microscope (AFM) analysis. Two irradiation protocols were selected utilizing near-infrared laser lights at 800 and 970 nm, with cell fixation immediately following irradiation. Results showed a decrease in Calcium content after irradiation with both protocols, and with lidocaine, used as an analgesic control. Furthermore, a reduction in Potassium content was observed, particularly evident when normalized to cellular volume. These findings provide valuable insights into the molecular impact of PBMT within 50B11 sensory neurons under normal conditions. Such understanding may contribute to the wider adoption of PBMT as a therapeutic approach.

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