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Targeting Skp2 degradation with troxerutin decreases neointima formation.

The proliferative and migratory abilities of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) play a crucial role in neointima formation following vascular injury. Skp2 facilitates proliferation and migration in cells through cell cycle regulation, presenting an important therapeutic target for atherosclerosis, pulmonary hypertension, and vascular restenosis. This study aimed to identify a natural product capable of inhibiting neointima formation post vascular injury. Here, we demonstrate that troxerutin, a flavonoid, significantly reduced viability and downregulated Skp2 in VSMCs. Moreover, troxerutin exhibited anti-proliferative effects on VSMCs and mitigated neointima formation. These findings collectively elucidate the intrinsic mechanism of troxerutin in treating atherosclerosis, pulmonary hypertension, and vascular restenosis by targeting the E3-linked enzyme Skp2.

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