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Journal Article
Nutrition for Children and Adolescents Who Practice Sport: A Narrative Review.
Nutrients 2024 August 22
At a developmental age, adequate physical activity is fundamental to overall health and well-being and preventing obesity. Moreover, establishing active behavior can help children and adolescents meet their growth and neurodevelopmental goals. Nutritional requirements vary according to intensity, frequency, and practiced physical activity or sport; therefore, pediatricians should give children and adolescents and their families adequate counseling, avoiding both nutrient deficiencies and excessive or inadequate supplement intake. The focus should be not only on sports performance but also on the child's well-being, growth, and neurodevelopment. Our narrative review aims to discuss the nutritional needs of children and adolescents who practice physical activity, non-competitive sports activity, and elite sports activity while also analyzing the role of food supplements and the risk of eating disorders within this category of subjects.
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