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The Efficacy of Cannabis in Oncology Patient Care and Its Anti-Tumor Effects.
Cancers 2024 August 21
As the legalization of medical cannabis expands across several countries, interest in its potential advantages among cancer patients and caregivers is burgeoning. However, patients seeking to integrate cannabis into their treatment often encounter frustration when their oncologists lack adequate information to offer guidance. This knowledge gap is exacerbated by the scarcity of published literature on the benefits of medical cannabis, leaving oncologists reliant on evidence-based data disheartened. This comprehensive narrative article, tailored for both clinicians and patients, endeavors to bridge these informational voids. It synthesizes cannabis history, pharmacology, and physiology and focuses on addressing various symptoms prevalent in cancer care, including insomnia, nausea and vomiting, appetite issues, pain management, and potential anti-cancer effects. Furthermore, by delving into the potential mechanisms of action and exploring their relevance in cancer treatment, this article aims to shed light on the potential benefits and effects of cannabis in oncology.
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