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Genetic deletion of ITIH5 leads to increased development of adipose tissue in mice.

Biological Research 2024 August 29
BACKGROUND: Adipocytokines play a pivotal role in maintaining adipose tissue homeostasis by regulating cellular metabolism, proliferation, differentiation, and secretory activity. These soluble factors are relevant components for healthy adipose tissue, while their deficiency is closely associated with the development of obesity and related metabolic diseases, e.g., chronic inflammation. In human adipose tissue, inter-α-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 5 (ITIH5) is expressed in proportion to the development of adipose tissue, i.e., the individual's BMI. Thus, ITIH5 has been proposed to be an inert marker of human obesity. However, when applied to adipose stem cells in vitro, recombinant (r)ITIH5 protein inhibited proliferation and adipogenesis, suggesting that ITIH5 negatively affects the development of fat mass. We now tested the role of ITIH5 in vivo and compared ITIH5+/+ wildtype with ITIH5-/- knockout mice.

RESULTS: Genetic deletion of ITIH5 significantly increased adipose tissue mass relative to animal bodyweight (p < 0.05). Next, we characterized adipose stem cells (ASCs) from both genotypes in vitro. ITIH5-/- cells exhibited increased proliferation and adipogenic differentiation (p < 0.001), which could explain the increase in adipose tissue in vivo. Furthermore, ASCs from ITIH5-/- animals were more responsive to stimulation with inflammatory mediators, i.e., these cells released greater amounts of IL-6 and MCP-1 (p < 0.001). Importantly, the application of the rITIH5 protein reversed the observed knockout effects in ASCs.

CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that ITIH5 potently regulates adipose tissue development and homeostasis by modulating ASC biology in mice. In addition, the effect of the rITIH5 protein underscores its potential as a therapeutic agent to correct the adipose tissue dysregulation often associated with obesity and metabolic disorders.

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