Journal Article
Systematic Review
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The Potential Therapeutic Effects of Botulinum Neurotoxins on Neoplastic Cells: A Comprehensive Review of In Vitro and In Vivo Studies.

Toxins 2024 August 13
A systematic review of the literature found fifteen articles on the effect of a botulinum toxin on neoplastic cell lines and eight articles on in vivo neoplasms. The reported in vitro effects rely on high doses or the mechanical disruption of cell membranes to introduce the botulinum neurotoxin into the cell cytoplasm. The potency of the botulinum neurotoxin to intoxicate non-neuronal cells (even cell lines expressing an appropriate protein receptor) is several orders of magnitude lower compared to that to intoxicate the primary neurons. The data suggest that the botulinum toxin disrupts the progression of cancer cells, with some studies reporting apoptotic effects. A majority of the data in the in vivo studies also showed similar results. No safety issues were disclosed in the in vivo studies. Limited studies have suggested similar anti-neoplastic potential for the clostridium difficile. New modes of delivery have been tested to enhance the in vivo delivery of the botulinum toxin to neoplastic cells. Careful controlled studies are necessary to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of this mode of anti-neoplastic treatment in humans.

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