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Energy cost of running uphill as compared to running on the level with impeding horizontal forces.
European Journal of Applied Physiology 2024 August 27
PURPOSE: We have previously shown that accelerated running on flat terrain is biomechanically equivalent to running uphill at a constant speed. This hypothesis was further investigated comparing the energy cost of running at a constant speed either uphill, or on flat terrain against an equivalent horizontal impeding force, mimicking acceleration.
METHODS: Steady-state O2 consumption and the corresponding energy cost (per unit body mass and distance) were determined on 12 male subjects during treadmill running at speeds between 2.11 and 2.89 m/s: (i) on the level, (ii) uphill at 10 or 20% incline ( I ), or (iii) on the level against a horizontal traction force of 10 or 20% of the subject's body weight ( TF ). This allowed us to estimate the net efficiency ( n e t η ) of running against horizontal or vertical forces, as given by the ratio between the additional mechanical work output under TF , or the corresponding I condition, and the difference between the appropriate energy cost above that for running at constant speed on flat terrain.
RESULTS: The n e t η values when running uphill ( I ) amount to 0.35-0.40, whereas those for running against an equivalent impeding force ( TF ) are about 10% greater (0.45-0.50), a fact that may be due to a greater recovery of elastic energy in the TF as compared to the I condition.
CONCLUSION: Making allowance for these small differences, these data support the view of considering accelerated running on flat terrain biomechanically equivalent to running at a constant speed, up an equivalent slope.
METHODS: Steady-state O2 consumption and the corresponding energy cost (per unit body mass and distance) were determined on 12 male subjects during treadmill running at speeds between 2.11 and 2.89 m/s: (i) on the level, (ii) uphill at 10 or 20% incline ( I ), or (iii) on the level against a horizontal traction force of 10 or 20% of the subject's body weight ( TF ). This allowed us to estimate the net efficiency ( n e t η ) of running against horizontal or vertical forces, as given by the ratio between the additional mechanical work output under TF , or the corresponding I condition, and the difference between the appropriate energy cost above that for running at constant speed on flat terrain.
RESULTS: The n e t η values when running uphill ( I ) amount to 0.35-0.40, whereas those for running against an equivalent impeding force ( TF ) are about 10% greater (0.45-0.50), a fact that may be due to a greater recovery of elastic energy in the TF as compared to the I condition.
CONCLUSION: Making allowance for these small differences, these data support the view of considering accelerated running on flat terrain biomechanically equivalent to running at a constant speed, up an equivalent slope.
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