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Changes in rotator movement during early gait acquisition in after total hip arthroplasty.
Clinical Biomechanics 2024 August 22
BACKGROUND: In walking in healthy adults, rotation of the hip joint affects stride length and shifts the center of gravity, but these are not seen in hip osteoarthritis which affects gait. In gait of total hip arthroplasty, there are few reports on changes in the horizontal plane. This study clarified the preoperative and early postoperative gait characteristics of patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty.
METHODS: The analysis included 12 females who underwent initial total hip arthroplasty using a posterolateral approach. Gait was measured pre and postoperatively using a three-dimensional motion analysis device. Statistics were compared pre and postoperative range of motion, muscle strength, walking speed, stride length, gravity movement distance, trunk angle, hip joint angle, and joint moment.
FINDINGS: The maximum hip abduction moment and trunk flexion angle to the surgical side were lower than in healthy subjects. The angle of internal rotation during the stance phase was significantly higher in the postoperative period. The distance of the center of gravity shift in the left and right directions was significantly decreased postoperatively.
INTERPRETATION: Gait disturbance was seen preoperatively and remained after surgery. Walking after total hip arthroplasty provides the hip joint rotates inward which is closer to normal walking. However, no change was observed in the external rotation moment of the hip joint during walking. We suspect that the invasiveness of the posterolateral approach of total hip arthroplasty affects the muscles for external rotation of the hip joint. This can also cause in gait disturbances.
METHODS: The analysis included 12 females who underwent initial total hip arthroplasty using a posterolateral approach. Gait was measured pre and postoperatively using a three-dimensional motion analysis device. Statistics were compared pre and postoperative range of motion, muscle strength, walking speed, stride length, gravity movement distance, trunk angle, hip joint angle, and joint moment.
FINDINGS: The maximum hip abduction moment and trunk flexion angle to the surgical side were lower than in healthy subjects. The angle of internal rotation during the stance phase was significantly higher in the postoperative period. The distance of the center of gravity shift in the left and right directions was significantly decreased postoperatively.
INTERPRETATION: Gait disturbance was seen preoperatively and remained after surgery. Walking after total hip arthroplasty provides the hip joint rotates inward which is closer to normal walking. However, no change was observed in the external rotation moment of the hip joint during walking. We suspect that the invasiveness of the posterolateral approach of total hip arthroplasty affects the muscles for external rotation of the hip joint. This can also cause in gait disturbances.
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