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Chemistry and bioactivity of marine algal toxins and their geographic distribution in China.

Fitoterapia 2024 August 24
Marine algal toxins are usually produced by some toxic algae during toxic algal blooms which can be accumulated in marine organisms through food chains, leading to contamination of aquatic products. Consumption of the contaminated seafood often results in poisoning in human being. Although algal toxins are harmful for human health, their unique structures and broad spectrum of biological activities have attracted widespread attention of chemists and pharmacologists. Marine algal toxins are not only a reservoir of biological active compound discovery, but also powerful tools for exploring life science. This review first provides a comprehensive overview of the chemistry and biological activities of marine algal toxins, with the aim of providing references for biological active compound discovery. Additionally, typical shellfish poisoning incidents occurred in China in the past 15 years and the geographical distribution of the marine algal toxins in China Sea are discussed, for the purpose of enhancing public awareness of the possible dangers of algal toxins.

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