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A Review of Hyperventilation Activation in Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Absence Epilepsy.

Childhood absence epilepsy is one of the most prevalent pediatric epilepsy syndromes, but diagnostic delay is common and consequential. Childhood absence epilepsy is diagnosed by history and physical examination including hyperventilation with electroencephalography (EEG) used to confirm the diagnosis. Hyperventilation produces generalized spike-wave discharges on EEG in >90% of patients with childhood absence epilepsy and provokes clinical absence seizures consisting of brief loss of consciousness typically within 90 seconds. Child neurologists report a high volume of referrals for children with "staring spells" that strain already limited health care resources. Resources are further strained by the use of EEG for monitoring antiseizure medication effectiveness with unclear benefit. In this review, we examine the safety and efficacy of hyperventilation activation as a tool for the diagnosis and management of childhood absence seizures.

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