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Early Identification, Intervention, and Prevention of Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries Using a Nurse-Driven Pressure Injury Prevention Program.
Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS 2024 September
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this quality improvement project was to reduce the hospital-acquired pressure injury (HAPI) rate to less than 1.177 per 1000 patient-days, increase staff competency and care in pressure injury prevention best practices through implementation of a nurse-driven pressure injury prevention program, to engage patients in pressure injury prevention through implementation of skin rounds, and improve staff adherence to documentation requirements for pressure injury interventions on an amputee/stroke unit.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT/PROGRAM: HAPIs can lead to negative patient outcomes including pain, infection, extended hospitalization, and morbidity. Using an evidence-based education strategy, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality pressure ulcer prevention clinical pathway and skin rounds were implemented. Focused education for nursing, staff competency, daily audits, HAPI rates, and documentation compliance were evaluated pre and post intervention.
OUTCOMES: The HAPI rate reduced from 1.177 to 0.272 per 1000 patient-days. After completion, the unit maintained zero pressure injuries, daily patient care for pressure injuries improved, documentation compliance increased, and staffs' knowledge and skill set in early identification, intervention, and prevention of pressure injuries heightened.
CONCLUSION: A nurse-driven pressure injury prevention program was successful in the reduction of the HAPI rate.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT/PROGRAM: HAPIs can lead to negative patient outcomes including pain, infection, extended hospitalization, and morbidity. Using an evidence-based education strategy, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality pressure ulcer prevention clinical pathway and skin rounds were implemented. Focused education for nursing, staff competency, daily audits, HAPI rates, and documentation compliance were evaluated pre and post intervention.
OUTCOMES: The HAPI rate reduced from 1.177 to 0.272 per 1000 patient-days. After completion, the unit maintained zero pressure injuries, daily patient care for pressure injuries improved, documentation compliance increased, and staffs' knowledge and skill set in early identification, intervention, and prevention of pressure injuries heightened.
CONCLUSION: A nurse-driven pressure injury prevention program was successful in the reduction of the HAPI rate.
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