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A Case Report of Wünderlich Syndrome Causing Massive Hemorrhage During Hemodialysis.

INTRODUCTION: Wünderlich syndrome (WS) refers to subcapsular, perirenal, or pararenal hemorrhage due to non-traumatic and iatrogenic conditions. Neoplasms, vascular disease, renal etiology, and anticoagulant use are underlying risk factors.

CASE REPORT: We describe a case of WS in a 79-year-old male who was undergoing hemodialysis, which resulted in hemorrhagic shock requiring multiple transfusions and embolization by interventional radiology.

CONCLUSION: Most commonly, patients present with flank pain; a computed tomography with contrast of the abdomen is essential for diagnosis. Surgical intervention is considered in hemodynamically unstable patients. Conservative therapy and intravenous resuscitations with blood products are considered a priority in hemodynamically stable patients.

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