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Extra-Adrenal Paraganglioma on Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology: A Case Series.

Paragangliomas (PGs) are rare tumors that most commonly occur in the head and neck region and along the sympathetic chain. Fine-needle aspiration cytology is not commonly used for the diagnosis of PG due to the potential risk of hemorrhage and hypertensive crisis. As a result, limited studies describe the cytological features of PGs. In this case series, we will discuss the fine-needle aspiration features of three cases of extra-adrenal PGs. The cellular arrangement in smears was either singly scattered or loosely cohesive clusters. The cells were polygonal with pleomorphic nuclei, abundant granular cytoplasm, and bland chromatin. Cellblock showed two types of cells with focal acinar formation. Immunohistochemistry also confirmed the diagnosis. These results were also in keeping with radiological findings. Fine-needle aspiration cytology, along with clinicoradiological findings, can help in making an accurate preoperative diagnosis of PG.

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