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Developing Cut-off Values for Low and Very Low Bone Mineral Density at the Thoracic Spine Using Quantitative Computed Tomography.
Calcified Tissue International 2024 August 16
Osteoporosis is under-diagnosed while detectable by measuring bone mineral density (BMD) using quantitative computer tomography (QCT). Opportunistic screening for low BMD has previously been suggested using lumbar QCT. However, thoracic QCT also possesses this potential to develop upper and lower cut-off values for low thoracic BMD, corresponding to the current cut-offs for lumbar BMD. In participants referred with chest pain, lumbar and thoracic BMD were measured using non-contrast lumbar- and cardiac CT scans. Lumbar BMD cut-off values for very low (< 80 mg/cm3 ), low (80-120 mg/cm3 ), and normal BMD (> 120 mg/cm3 ) were used to assess the corresponding thoracic values. A linear regression enabled identification of new diagnostic thoracic BMD cut-off values. The 177 participants (mean age 61 [range 31-74] years, 51% women) had a lumbar BMD of 121.6 mg/cm3 (95% CI 115.9-127.3) and a thoracic BMD of 137.0 mg/cm3 (95% CI: 131.5-142.5), p < 0.001. Categorization of lumbar BMD revealed 14%, 35%, and 45% in each BMD category. When applied for the thoracic BMD measurements, 25% of participants were reclassified into a lower group. Linear regression predicted a relationship of Thoracic BMD = 0.85 * Lumbar BMD + 33.5, yielding adjusted thoracic cut-off values of < 102 and > 136 mg/cm3 . Significant differences in BMD between lumbar and thoracic regions were found, but a linear relationship enabled the development of thoracic upper and lower cut-off values for low BMD in the thoracic spine. As Thoracic CT scans are frequent, these findings will strengthen the utilization of CT images for opportunistic detection of osteoporosis.
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