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Journal Article
Infective native arterial aneurysms and inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysms: An overview with a focus on emergency settings.
Seminars in Vascular Surgery 2024 June
Infective native arterial aneurysms and inflammatory aortic aneurysms are rare but morbid pathologies seen by vascular surgeons in the emergency setting. Presentation is not always clear, and a full workup must be obtained before adopting a management strategy. Treatment is multidisciplinary and is tailored to every case based on workup findings. Imaging with computed tomography, magnetic resonance, or with fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography aids in diagnosis and in monitoring response to treatment. Open surgery is traditionally performed for definitive management. Endovascular surgery may offer an alternative treatment in select cases with acceptable outcomes. Neither technique has been proven to be superior to the other. Physicians should consider patient's anatomy, comorbidities, life expectancy, and goals of care before selecting an approach. Long-term pharmacological treatment, with antibiotics in case of infective aneurysms and immunosuppressants in case of inflammatory aneurysms, is usually required and should be managed in collaboration with infectious disease specialists and rheumatologists.
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