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The genetic and environmental etiology of novel frequency-driven regional parcellations of abnormal white matter.
The prevalence of white matter disease increases with age and is associated with cerebrovascular disease, cognitive decline, and risk for dementia. MRI measures of abnormal signal in the white matter (AWM) provide estimates of damage, however, regional patterns of AWM may be differentially influenced by genetic or environmental factors. With our data-driven regional parcellation approach, we created a probability distribution atlas using Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging (VETSA) data (n = 475, mean age 67.6 years) and applied a watershed algorithm to define separate regional parcellations. We report biometrical twin modeling for five anatomically distinct regions: (1) Posterior, (2) Superior frontal and parietal, (3) Anterior and inferior frontal with deep areas, (4) Occipital, and (5) Anterior periventricular. We tested competing multivariate hypotheses to identify unique influences and to explain sources of covariance among the parcellations. Family aggregation could be entirely explained by additive genetic influences, with additive genetic variance (heritability) ranging from 0.69 to 0.79. Most genetic correlations between parcellations ranged from moderate to high (rg = 0.57-0.85), although two were small (rg = 0.35-0.39), consistent with varying degrees of unique genetic influences. This proof-of-principle investigation demonstrated the value of our novel, data-driven parcellations, with identifiable genetic and environmental differences, for future exploration.
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