Journal Article
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Arrhythmogenic Mitral Valve Prolapse: Can We Risk Stratify and Prevent Sudden Cardiac Death?

Ventricular arrhythmias associated with mitral valve prolapse (MVP) and the capacity to cause sudden cardiac death (SCD), referred to as 'malignant MVP', are an increasingly recognised, albeit rare, phenomenon. SCD can occur without significant mitral regurgitation, implying an interaction between mechanical derangements affecting the mitral valve apparatus and left ventricle. Risk stratification of these arrhythmias is an important clinical and public health issue to provide precise and targeted management. Evaluation requires patient and family history, physical examination and electrophysiological and imaging-based modalities. We provide a review of arrhythmogenic MVP, exploring its epidemiology, demographics, clinical presentation, mechanisms linking MVP to SCD, markers of disease severity, testing modalities and management, and discuss the importance of risk stratification. Even with recently improved understanding, it remains challenging how best to weight the prognostic importance of clinical, imaging and electrophysiological data to determine a clear high-risk arrhythmogenic profile in which an ICD should be used for the primary prevention of SCD.

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