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Dissecting reactive astrocyte responses: lineage tracing and morphology-based clustering.

Biological Research 2024 August 14
Brain damage triggers diverse cellular and molecular events, with astrocytes playing a crucial role in activating local neuroprotective and reparative signaling within damaged neuronal circuits. Here, we investigated reactive astrocytes using a multidimensional approach to categorize their responses into different subtypes based on morphology. This approach utilized the StarTrack lineage tracer, single-cell imaging reconstruction and multivariate data analysis. Our findings identified three profiles of reactive astrocyte responses, categorized by their effects on cell size- and shape- related morphological parameters: "moderate", "strong," and "very strong". We also examined the heterogeneity of astrocyte reactivity, focusing on spatial and clonal distribution. Our research revealed a notable enrichment of protoplasmic and fibrous astrocytes within the "strong" and "very strong" response subtypes. Overall, our study contributes to a better understanding of astrocyte heterogeneity in response to an injury. By characterizing the diverse reactive responses among astrocyte subpopulations, we provide insights that could guide future research aimed at identifying novel therapeutic targets to mitigate brain damage and promote neural repair.

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