Journal Article
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Navigating the Landscape of Tick Diversity: Integrating Molecular Approaches for Enhanced Control Measures.

The emergence and spread of infectious diseases, particularly zoonotic diseases originating from wildlife, pose significant threats to global health and economy. This review examines the pivotal role of ticks as vectors in transmitting pathogens to humans, livestock, and wildlife and the use of molecular techniques in their identification. Tick infestations result in economic losses through reduced animal productivity, anemia, and quality deterioration of hides. Furthermore, ticks serve as reservoirs for a wide range of pathogens including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes, contributing to the transmission of diseases such as Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, tick-borne encephalitis, and African swine fever among others. The interface between wildlife, livestock, and humans facilitates the transmission of zoonotic pathogens, exacerbated by nomadic and pastoralist lifestyles that promote interactions between wildlife and domestic animals. This movement of animals across landscapes enhances the dispersion of tick vectors, increasing the risk of pathogen exposure for diverse populations. Historically, tick identification in sub-Saharan Africa has relied on morphological characteristics despite limitations such as species overlap and variability. Molecular techniques offer a more precise means of species identification, providing critical data for effective tick and pathogen management strategies. Integrating molecular approaches into tick research enhances our understanding of tick diversity, distribution patterns, and pathogen dynamics. This knowledge is essential for developing targeted interventions to mitigate the impact of tick-borne diseases on public and veterinary health worldwide.

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