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Patterns of forearm lymphatic drainage to the epitrochlear lymph nodes in 1400 cutaneous melanoma patients.

BACKGROUND: Variations of hand and forearm lymphatic drainage to upper-arm lymphatic pathways may impact the route of melanoma metastasis. This study compared rates of lymphatic drainage to epitrochlear nodes between anatomic divisions of the hand and forearm to determine whether the anatomic distribution of hand and forearm melanomas affects the likelihood of drainage to epitrochlear lymph nodes.

METHODS: Using a single-institution lymphoscintigraphy database, we identified all patients with cutaneous melanoma on the hand and forearm. A body-map two-dimensional coordinate system was used to classify cutaneous melanoma sites between radial-ulnar and dorsal-volar divisions. Sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) visualized on lymphoscintigraphy were recorded. Proportions of patients with epitrochlear SLNs were compared between anatomic divisions using χ2 analysis.

RESULTS: Of 3628 upper extremity cutaneous melanoma patients who underwent lymphatic mapping with lymphoscintigraphy, 1400 met inclusion criteria. Twenty-one percent of patients demonstrated epitrochlear SLNs. Epitrochlear SLNs were observed in 27% of dorsal forearm melanomas and 15% of volar forearm melanomas (p < 0.001). Epitrochlear SLNs were observed in 31% of ulnar forearm melanomas and 17% of radial forearm melanomas (p < 0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: Higher proportions of dorsal and ulnar forearm melanomas have epitrochlear SLNs. Metastasis to epitrochlear SLNs may be more likely from melanomas in these respective forearm regions.

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