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The Role of Dietary Anthocyanins for Managing Diabetes Mellitus-Associated Complications.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is an intricate metabolic disorder marked by persistent hyperglycemia, arising from disruptions in glucose metabolism, with two main forms, type 1 and type 2, involving distinct etiologies affecting β-cell destruction or insulin levels and sensitivity. The islets of Langerhans, particularly β-cells and α-cells, play a pivotal role in glucose regulation, and both DM types lead to severe complications, including retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. Plant-derived anthocyanins, rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, show promise in mitigating DM-related complications, providing a potential avenue for prevention and treatment. Medicinal herbs, fruits, and vegetables, abundant in bioactive compounds like phenolics, offer diverse benefits, including glucose regulation and anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-mutagenic, and neuroprotective properties. Anthocyanins, a subgroup of polyphenols, exhibit diverse isoforms and biosynthesis involving glycosylation, making them potential natural replacements for synthetic food colorants. Clinical trials demonstrate the efficacy and safety of anthocyanins in controlling glucose, reducing oxidative stress, and enhancing insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients, emphasizing their therapeutic potential. Preclinical studies revealed their multifaceted mechanisms, positioning anthocyanins as promising bioactive compounds for managing diabetes and its associated complications, including retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy.

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