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Evaluation of single-cell sorting accuracy using antibody-derived tag-based qPCR.
Single-cell sorting (index sorting) is a widely used method to isolate one cell at a time using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) for downstream applications such as single-cell sequencing or single-cell expansion. Despite widespread use, few assays are available to evaluate the proteomic features of the sorted single cell and further confirm the accuracy of single-cell sorting. With this caveat, we developed a novel assay to confirm the protein expression of sorted single cells by co-staining cells with the same marker using both antibody-derived tags (ADTs) and fluorescent antibodies. After single-cell sorting, we amplified the oligo of the ADT reagent as a surrogate signal for the protein expression using multiplex TaqMan™ qPCR on sorted cells. This assay is not only useful for confirming the identity of a sorted single cell but also an efficient method to profile proteomic features at the single-cell level. Finally, we applied this assay to characterize protein expression on whole cell lysate. Because of the sensitivity of the TaqMan™ qPCR, we can detect protein expression from a small number of cells. In summary, the ADT-based qPCR assay developed here can be utilized to confirm single-cell sorting accuracy and characterizing protein expression on both single cells and whole cell lysate.
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