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Differences in life expectancy of adrenocortical carcinoma patients vs. age‑ and sex-matched population controls.

PURPOSE: To quantify to what extent the 5-year overall survival (OS) of adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) patients differs from age- and sex-matched population-based controls, especially when stage is considered.

METHODS: We relied on the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database (2004-2020) to identify newly diagnosed (2004-2014) ACC patients. Subsequently, we compared OS between ACC patients relative to simulated age- and sex-matched controls (Monte Carlo simulation), according to Social Security Administration Life Tables (2004-2020).

RESULTS: Of all 742 ACC patients, 301 (41%) harbored localized stage, 173 (23%) locally advanced stage, and 268 (36%) metastatic stage. At 5-years follow-up, ACC patients' OS was 33%. After stratification for stage, the 5-years OS was 55 vs. 31 vs. 8% in localized, locally advanced, and metastatic stages, respectively. Conversely, after Monte Carlo simulation of age- and sex-matched controls, OS at five-years was 93% in the entire simulated cohort vs. 94% in the simulated localized cohort vs. 92 and 92% in locally advanced and metastatic stage, respectively. The resulting differences in OS between ACC patients and age- and sex-matched population-based controls were 60 vs. 39 vs. 61 vs. 84% respectively in the overall cohort vs. localized vs. locally advanced vs. metastatic stage.

CONCLUSION: The most pronounced life expectancy detriment (84%) was recorded in metastatic ACC followed by locally advanced ACC patients (61%). Unfortunately, even in patients with localized ACC, life expectancy was 39% lower than that of the general population. Therefore, regardless of stage, ACC diagnosis results in a very pronounced detriment in life expectancy relative to the general population.

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