Evaluation Study
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Diagnostic Performances of an in-House Immunochromatography Test Based on the Monoclonal Antibody 18B7 to Glucuronoxylomannan for Clinical Suspected Cryptococcosis: a Large-Scale Prototype Evaluation in Northern Thailand.

Mycopathologia 2024 August 9
OBJECTIVE: Cryptococcosis predominantly presents as a meningoencephalitis in Thailand. Early and expeditious diagnosis is essential for reducing both mortality and morbidity associated with cryptococcal meningitis. We aim to define and establish the diagnostic performances between the benchmark commercially available diagnostic kit (CrAg® LFA) and the large-scale prototype of an inexpensive in-house immunochromatographic test (ICT) based on monoclonal antibody (MAb) 18B7.

METHODS: We have developed the large-scale prototype for the rapid detection of cryptococcal polysaccharide antigens by utilizing a single antibody sandwich ICT format employing MAb 18B7, which is highly specific to Cryptococcus neoformans glucuronoxylomannan (GXM) antigens. An in-house MAb18B7 ICT was manufactured in accordance with industry standards under the control of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 13485.

RESULTS: The diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for the in-house MAb 18B7 ICT were 99.10%, 97.61%, and 97.83%, respectively. The agreement kappa (κ) coefficient was 0.968 based on the retrospective evaluation of 580 specimens from patients living in northern Thailand with clinically suspected cryptococcosis.

CONCLUSION: The data suggest that this in-house MAb 18B7 ICT will be highly beneficial for addressing the issue of cryptococcal infection in Thailand. Moreover, it is anticipated that this inexpensive ICT can play a pivotal role in various global strategies aimed at eradicating cryptococcal meningitis among individuals living with HIV by 2030.

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