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Estimation and determinants of direct hospitalisation cost for coronary heart disease in a low-middle-income country: evidence from a nationwide study in Iranian hospitals.

BMJ Open 2024 August 7
BACKGROUND: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most prevalent type of cardiovascular disease in Iran. This study aims to investigate the estimation and determinants of direct hospitalisation cost for patients with CHD in Iranian hospitals.

METHODS: We identified patients with CHD in Iran in 2019-2020. Data were gathered from the Iran Health Insurance Organisation information systems and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. This was a cross-sectional prevalence-based study. Generalised linear models were used to find the determinants of hospitalisation cost for patients with CHD. A total of 86 834 patients suffering from CHD were studied.

RESULTS: Mean hospitalisation cost per CHD patient was US$382.90±US$500.72 while the mean daily hospitalisation cost per CHD patient was US$89.71±US$89.99. In-hospital mortality of CHD was 2.52%. Hospitalisation accommodation and medications had the highest share of hospitalisation costs (25.59% and 22.63%, respectively). Men spent 1.12 (95% CI 1.11 to 1.13) times more on hospitalisation costs compared with women, and individuals aged 60 to 69 had hospitalisation costs 1.04 (95% CI 1.02 to 1.06) times higher than those in the 0-49 age range. Patients insured by the Iranian Fund have significantly higher costs 1.17 (95% CI 1.14 to 1.19) than the Rural fund. Hospitalisation costs for patients with CHD who received surgery and angiography were significantly 2.36 (95% CI 2.30 to 2.43) times higher than for patients who did not undergo surgery and angiography.

CONCLUSION: Applying CHD prevention strategies for men and the middle-aged population (50-70 years) is strongly recommended. Prudent use and prescribing of medications will be helpful to reduce hospitalisation cost.

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