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Changes in cortisol, cortisone and 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type II activity in saliva during pregnancy and lactation in sows.
Domestic Animal Endocrinology 2024 July 16
The activity of the enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type II, which can be estimated by the combined measurement of cortisol and cortisone, is gaining importance as a marker for the assessment of stress in pigs. The aim of this study was to investigate the activity of this enzyme and the salivary concentrations of cortisol and cortisone in pigs during pregnancy, farrowing and lactation and to compare it with other stress-related biomarkers such as CgA, S100A12 and alpha-amylase. Salivary cortisol concentrations and 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase isoenzyme type 2 activity decreased after farrowing, while cortisol concentrations increased. Enzyme activity did not show significant correlations with any of the other stress-related biomarkers measured in this study. Overall, the results of this report indicate a different regulation of 11β-HSD type II activity and of cortisol and cortisone during pregnancy and lactation, which should be considered when evaluating these analytes in saliva during these periods.
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