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Why we do what we do matters for how we feel: Links among autonomous goal regulation, need fulfillment, and well-being in daily life.

Reasons for pursuing self-set goals have been linked to well-being. The present article examines the link between autonomous goal regulation (the why of goal pursuit) and well-being, considering the role of the basic psychological needs, effort, and goal progress. Three studies were conducted using experience sampling methods in which German-speaking participants (Study 1: N = 207, Study 2: N = 717, Study 3: N = 703) completed 1-4 daily questionnaires over 21 consecutive days. Multilevel structural equation models were used to capture the structure of autonomous goal regulation and need fulfillment on the within-person (moment-to-moment/day-to-day), the between-goal, and the between-person levels. Additionally, the links among the degree of relative autonomous goal regulation, need fulfillment, and well-being were investigated on all three levels. Relative autonomous goal regulation was consistently linked to need fulfillment, which in turn was associated with well-being on the within-person level. On the between-goal and between-person levels, results differed slightly between the three studies but overall suggested similar results as on the within-person level. These findings highlight the central role of the why of goal pursuit for individual's daily well-being. Understanding the link between individual goals and well-being in everyday life may be an important step in helping individuals make better choices about their goals, which in turn could improve their overall well-being. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).

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