Journal Article
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Behind the stoNE wall: a fervent activity for nuclear lipids.

Biochimie 2024 August 5
The four main types of biomolecules are nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. The knowledge about their respective interactions is as important as the individual understanding of each of them. However, while, for example, the interaction of proteins with the other three groups is extensively studied, that of nucleic acids and lipids is, in comparison, very poorly explored. An iconic paradigm of physical (and likely functional) proximity between DNA and lipids is the case of the genomic DNA in eukaryotes: enclosed within the nucleus by two concentric lipid bilayers, the wealth of implications of this interaction, for example in genome stability, remains underassessed. Nuclear lipid-related phenotypes have been observed for 50 years, yet in most cases kept as mere anecdotical descriptions. In this review, we will bring together the evidence connecting lipids with both the nuclear envelope and the nucleoplasm, and will make critical analyses of these descriptions. Our exploration establishes a scenario in which lipids irrefutably play a role in nuclear homeostasis.

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