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Comparison of serum alkaline phosphatase levels between two measurement methods in chronic hemodialysis patients in Japan: involvement of ABO blood group system and relationship with mortality risk.

BACKGROUND: Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels are a risk factor for all-cause mortality in hemodialysis patients. Traditionally in Japan, ALP measurements were conducted using the JSCC method, which yields higher ALP measurement values than the IFCC method, mainly due to its increased sensitivity to intestinal ALP.

METHODS: Serum total ALP levels before and after switching the assay method from JSCC to IFCC were compared among different blood types in 521 hemodialysis patients (Study 1). The association between ALP levels measured by the JSCC method and 7-year mortality was analyzed, including blood types and liver function parameters as covariates, in 510 hemodialysis patients (Study 2).

RESULTS: ALP levels measured by the JSCC method were approximately three times higher than those measured by the IFCC method, with significant elevation in patients with blood types B and O compared to those with blood types A and AB. Similarly, ALP levels measured by the IFCC method were significantly higher in patients with blood types B and O compared to those with blood types A and AB (Study 1). The highest tertile of ALP levels showed a significantly increased risk of all-cause mortality, even after adjusting for patient background. However, this significance disappeared when serum liver function-related or inflammatory markers were included as covariates (Study 2).

CONCLUSION: ALP levels measured by the JSCC method are associated with life prognosis, but caution should be exercised due to their elevation in patients with blood types B and O and in those with hepatic dysfunction or inflammation.

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