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New diagnostic strategies to distinguish Crohn's disease and gastrointestinal tuberculosis.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Despite advances in our radiological, histological and microbiological armamentarium, distinguishing between Crohn's disease (CD) and intestinal tuberculosis (ITB), especially in a TB endemic country, continues to be a challenging exercise in a significant number of patients. This review aims to summarize current available evidence on novel diagnostic techniques which have a potential to fill the gap in our knowledge of differentiating between ITB and CD.

RECENT FINDINGS: Both ITB and CD are associated with altered host immune responses, and detection of these altered innate and adaptive immune cells has potential to distinguish ITB from CD. ITB and CD have different epigenetic, proteomic and metabolomic signatures, and recent research has focused on detecting these differences. In addition, the gut microbiome, which is involved in mucosal immunity and inflammatory responses, is considerably altered in both ITB and CD, and is another potential frontier, which can be tapped to discriminate between the two diseases. With technological advancements, we have newer radiological modalities including perfusion CT and dual-layer spectral detector CT enterography and evidence is emerging of their role in differentiating ITB from CD. Finally, time will tell whether the advent of artificial intelligence, with rapidly accumulating data in this field, will be the gamechanger in solving this puzzle of diagnostic dilemma between ITB and Crohn's disease.

SUMMARY: Recent advances need to be clinically validated before they can be used as novel diagnostic measures to differentiate Intestinal TB from CD.

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