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OMIP-105: A 30-color full-spectrum flow cytometry panel to characterize the immune cell landscape in spleen and tumor within a syngeneic MC-38 murine colon carcinoma model.
This panel was designed to characterize the immune cell landscape in the mouse tumor microenvironment as well as mouse lymphoid tissues (e.g., spleen). As an example, using the MC-38 mouse syngeneic tumor model, we demonstrated that we could measure the frequency and characterize the functional status of CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells, regulatory T cells, NK cells, B cells, macrophages, granulocytes, monocytes, and dendritic cells. This panel is especially useful for understanding the immune landscape in "cold" preclinical tumor models with very low immune cell infiltration and for investigating how therapeutic treatments may modulate the immune landscape.
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