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Structural housing elements associated with injuries in older adults in the USA.

OBJECTIVE: To quantify the unintentional injuries associated with housing elements among older adults treated in US hospital emergency departments (EDs). To identify modifiable home hazards.

METHODS: The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) coding manual was reviewed to identify all codes associated with housing elements that were permanently attached to a home. We queried the 2020 NEISS data for older adults (aged 65 and older) to determine the number of injuries associated with each element. The 10 elements involved in the most hospitalisations and the most ED visits were each tabulated by the number of records in the NEISS sample and national estimate, yielding two separate lists of 10 housing elements. A review of case narratives was conducted on a random selection constituting 10% of all records or a minimum of 100 records to determine common precipitating factors and prevention recommendations.

RESULTS: From the two lists, we identified 11 housing elements most commonly associated with housing-related injuries, resulting in ED visits or hospitalisations. The housing element most associated with housing-related injuries was floor, leading to 929 937 ED visits. Subsequent case narrative review yielded prevention recommendations, including modifications that support balance and fall recovery, reduce the need to reach and improve visibility.

CONCLUSIONS: Housing element-related injuries affect hundreds of thousands of older adults. Case narratives reveal falls, tripping/slipping and sliding injuries that can potentially be prevented with home modification. NEISS is a valuable tool to identify injury risks in the home.

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