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Changes in ASCVD Risk Scores in a Predominantly Black Cohort with HIV and Associated Comorbidities: A Preliminary Study.

Cardiology 2024 August 6
INTRODUCTION: People with HIV (PWH) have increased risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) compared to non-PWH, but the reasons for this increased risk remain elusive. We investigated the change in ASCVD risk scores over 4-years to identify clinical factors associated with change in risk scores or high risk scores.

METHODS: We conducted a preliminary study using retrospective analysis of PWH, between 40-75 years old, seen at the Evelyn Jordan Center with at least two routine HIV visits. We collected clinical and demographic data and calculated the ASCVD risk scores using the Pooled Cohort Equation. Exploratory analyses examined change in risk score categories over time. Final adjusted analysis examined factors associated with change in continuous risk scores over time.

RESULTS: Our sample included 187 PWH, 166 were Black/African American and 79 were female. We found no significant change in ASCVD risk score over time. The risk score was significantly higher in PWH with hepatitis C (7.34%; 95% CI 2.59, 12.09; p=0.003) and trended higher in those with dual hepatitis B/C and hepatitis B compared to those without hepatitis (p=0.07).

CONCLUSION: We found that ASCVD risk did not change over a 4-year period among predominantly Black young PWH, but infection with hepatitis C and dual hepatitis B/C were associated with higher ASCVD risk scores. Our findings illustrate the need for further longitudinal studies evaluating change in CVD risk and investigating viral hepatitis as an added potential contributor to increased CVD risk in high-risk, vulnerable populations.

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