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Single-detector multiplex imaging flow cytometry for cancer cell classification with deep learning.

Imaging flow cytometry, which combines the advantages of flow cytometry and microscopy, has emerged as a powerful tool for cell analysis in various biomedical fields such as cancer detection. In this study, we develop multiplex imaging flow cytometry (mIFC) by employing a spatial wavelength division multiplexing technique. Our mIFC can simultaneously obtain brightfield and multi-color fluorescence images of individual cells in flow, which are excited by a metal halide lamp and measured by a single detector. Statistical analysis results of multiplex imaging experiments with resolution test lens, magnification test lens, and fluorescent microspheres validate the operation of the mIFC with good imaging channel consistency and micron-scale differentiation capabilities. A deep learning method is designed for multiplex image processing that consists of three deep learning networks (U-net, very deep super resolution, and visual geometry group 19). It is demonstrated that the cluster of differentiation 24 (CD24) imaging channel is more sensitive than the brightfield, nucleus, or cancer antigen 125 (CA125) imaging channel in classifying the three types of ovarian cell lines (IOSE80 normal cell, A2780, and OVCAR3 cancer cells). An average accuracy rate of 97.1% is achieved for the classification of these three types of cells by deep learning analysis when all four imaging channels are considered. Our single-detector mIFC is promising for the development of future imaging flow cytometers and for the automatic single-cell analysis with deep learning in various biomedical fields.

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