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Artificial intelligence and headache.

BACKGROUND AND METHODS: In this narrative review, we introduce key artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) concepts, aimed at headache clinicians and researchers. Thereafter, we thoroughly review the use of AI in headache, based on a comprehensive literature search across PubMed, Embase and IEEExplore. Finally, we discuss limitations, as well as ethical and political perspectives.

RESULTS: We identified six main research topics. First, natural language processing can be used to effectively extract and systematize unstructured headache research data, such as from electronic health records. Second, the most common application of ML is for classification of headache disorders, typically based on clinical record data, or neuroimaging data, with accuracies ranging from around 60% to well over 90%. Third, ML is used for prediction of headache disease trajectories. Fourth, ML shows promise in forecasting of headaches using self-reported data such as triggers and premonitory symptoms, data from wearable sensors and external data. Fifth and sixth, ML can be used for prediction of treatment responses and inference of treatment effects, respectively, aiming to optimize and individualize headache management.

CONCLUSIONS: The potential uses of AI and ML in headache are broad, but, at present, many studies suffer from poor reporting and lack out-of-sample evaluation, and most models are not validated in a clinical setting.

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