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Gated SPECT-Derived Myocardial Strain Estimated From Deep-Learning Image Translation Validated From N-13 Ammonia PET.
Academic Radiology 2024 August 1
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the use of deep learning-generated virtual positron emission tomography (PET)-like gated single-photon emission tomography (SPECTVP ) for assessing myocardial strain, overcoming limitations of conventional SPECT.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: SPECT-to-PET translation models for short-axis, horizontal, and vertical long-axis planes were trained using image pairs from the same patients in stress (720 image pairs from 18 patients) and resting states (920 image pairs from 23 patients). Patients without ejection-fraction changes during SPECT and PET were selected for training. We independently analyzed circumferential strains from short-axis-gated SPECT, PET, and model-generated SPECTVP images using a feature-tracking algorithm. Longitudinal strains were similarly measured from horizontal and vertical long-axis images. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated with two-way random single-measure SPECT and SPECTVP (PET). ICCs (95% confidence intervals) were defined as excellent (≥0.75), good (0.60-0.74), moderate (0.40-0.59), or poor (≤0.39).
RESULTS: Moderate ICCs were observed for SPECT-derived stressed circumferential strains (0.56 [0.41-0.69]). Excellent ICCs were observed for SPECTVP -derived stressed circumferential strains (0.78 [0.68-0.85]). Excellent ICCs of stressed longitudinal strains from horizontal and vertical long axes, derived from SPECT and SPECTVP , were observed (0.83 [0.73-0.90], 0.91 [0.85-0.94]).
CONCLUSION: Deep-learning SPECT-to-PET transformation improves circumferential strain measurement accuracy using standard-gated SPECT. Furthermore, the possibility of applying longitudinal strain measurements via both PET and SPECTVP was demonstrated. This study provides preliminary evidence that SPECTVP obtained from standard-gated SPECT with postprocessing potentially adds clinical value through PET-equivalent myocardial strain analysis without increasing the patient burden.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: SPECT-to-PET translation models for short-axis, horizontal, and vertical long-axis planes were trained using image pairs from the same patients in stress (720 image pairs from 18 patients) and resting states (920 image pairs from 23 patients). Patients without ejection-fraction changes during SPECT and PET were selected for training. We independently analyzed circumferential strains from short-axis-gated SPECT, PET, and model-generated SPECTVP images using a feature-tracking algorithm. Longitudinal strains were similarly measured from horizontal and vertical long-axis images. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated with two-way random single-measure SPECT and SPECTVP (PET). ICCs (95% confidence intervals) were defined as excellent (≥0.75), good (0.60-0.74), moderate (0.40-0.59), or poor (≤0.39).
RESULTS: Moderate ICCs were observed for SPECT-derived stressed circumferential strains (0.56 [0.41-0.69]). Excellent ICCs were observed for SPECTVP -derived stressed circumferential strains (0.78 [0.68-0.85]). Excellent ICCs of stressed longitudinal strains from horizontal and vertical long axes, derived from SPECT and SPECTVP , were observed (0.83 [0.73-0.90], 0.91 [0.85-0.94]).
CONCLUSION: Deep-learning SPECT-to-PET transformation improves circumferential strain measurement accuracy using standard-gated SPECT. Furthermore, the possibility of applying longitudinal strain measurements via both PET and SPECTVP was demonstrated. This study provides preliminary evidence that SPECTVP obtained from standard-gated SPECT with postprocessing potentially adds clinical value through PET-equivalent myocardial strain analysis without increasing the patient burden.
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