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Improving patient retention of medical information: lessons from the contact dermatitis clinic.

Medical communication skills are widely recognized as important, especially for situations in which providers must present complex and detailed information. Although much research focuses on how providers can improve their delivery of medical information, an equally important part of communication is supporting patient retention of the information. We present several methods to improve patient retention of medical information that we have found successful in an allergic contact dermatitis clinic. Some recommendations address information transfer (follow effective structure, teach to different learning styles, provide written instructions, employ the teach-back method). Other methods are effective, focusing on the patient's emotional, social, and relational needs (include storytelling, metaphor, and analogy, allay negative emotions, listen deeply/know your patient). This list is not exhaustive, but we have found these methods effective when counseling patients with allergic contact dermatitis. Patient retention of medical information is an important part of effective health care, benefits both the provider and the patient, and is applicable to every medical practice.

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