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Leukoplakia and erythroplakia in youngers versus older individuals: a clinicopathological retrospective study.

BACKGROUND: The incidence of oral cancer has exhibited a rise within the young population. Considering that oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) can precede the development of oral cancer, it is imperative to conduct studies in this particular younger population. This study aimed to evaluate the frequency and conduct a comparative analysis of the clinical-demographic characteristics of OPMDs in two distinct age groups.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted with patients diagnosed with leukoplakia, erythroplakia, and leukoerythroplakia between 1965 and 2020. The individuals were categorized into two groups: those aged up to 40 years (Group Younger) and those aged 41 years and above (Group Older).

RESULTS: A total of 640 lesions were subjected to analysis. Among these, patients aged up to 40 years constituted 10.63% of the sample, however, this proportion decreased significantly to 6.9% between 2010 and 2020. A predominant male representation was observed in both groups, with white lesions being the most common in both as well. However, the frequency of red or mixed lesions was significantly higher (p=0.034) in the older group, along with a higher prevalence of dysplastic lesions (26.9% versus 11.8%, p=0.01). Moreover, the older group exhibited a relatively higher percentage of smokers/ex-smokers (78.6%), compared to the younger group (61.5%, p=0.085) and alcohol consumers/ex-consumers (54.9% versus 22.7%, p=0.028). Elderly individuals exhibited an unfavorable progression (p=0.028). However, a logistic regression analysis identified as significant variables associated with malignant transformation, the presence of epithelial dysplasia, and red lesions diagnosed as erythroplakia.

CONCLUSIONS: A declining frequency of OPMDs in young adults was observed over the years, whereas in older adults, these disorders exhibited an unfavorable progression.

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