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Confirmation that Monochamol is a Male Produced Aggregation-Sex Pheromone for Monochamus maculosus Haldeman (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).

The recognition of cerambycids as frequent and damaging invaders led to an increase in the interest in the chemical ecology of the group with the identification of pheromones and pheromone-like attractants for well over 100 species. Pheromone components of the Cerambycidae are often phylogenetically conserved, with a single compound serving as a pheromone component for several related species. In the subfamily Lamiinae, the compound 2-(undecyloxy)ethanol (monochamol) has been identified as an aggregation-sex pheromone for several species of the genus Monochamus. In other species, including Monochamus maculosus Haldeman, field trials have demonstrated that monochamol is a pheromone attractant, but at that point it was still unknown as to whether it was a pheromone for this species. Here we report the identification, and laboratory and field trials of a pheromone component produced by adult male M. maculosus. Chemical analyses of headspace volatile collections sampled from field collected beetles of both sexes revealed the presence of one male-specific compound that was identified as 2-(undecyloxy)ethanol. Electroantennography analyses showed that monochamol elicited responses from the antennae of female beetles. Traps baited with monochamol in the field captured M. maculosus adults of both sexes corroborating the identification of monochamol as the sex-aggregation pheromone of this species. The attractivity of monochamol to adult M. maculosus in our field trapping experiment was synergized by the addition of the host volatile α-pinene.

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